TOMS OFFROAD Gear + Merchandise

Books & Manuals

We offer several different shop manuals for working on your 66-77 Ford Bronco. The factory Ford Shop Manual CD's are an expansive collection of everything Ford Motor Company put out for your year of Bronco. The CD Shop Manuals not only cover early Broncos, but also cover all Ford Trucks for the year purchased. Our Bronco Body & Interior Manual is another great offering as it has many pages of schematics to show you exactly how the early Bronco's body and interior should come together. The Bronco History Manual is an excellent resource with all kinds of info about the Bronco and is filled with Specifications & Capacities along with several magazine articles from the 60's & 70's. They Hayne's Manual is your standard Repair & Maintenance manual for the Early Bronco covering items such as how to change your oil or replace your brake shoes. Finally, our parts catalog can be a very useful tool as there are several schematics that we have put together along with some technical tidbits that we have found to be important info.